China Today | Talents can receive a subsidy of up to 300,000 yuan for buying houses in urban areas
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China Today | Talents can receive a subsidy of up to 300,000 yuan for buying houses in urban areas

Nantong: Talents can receive a subsidy of up to 300,000 yuan for buying houses in urban areas, and the price limit for a single commercial residential land will be cancelled

According to the release of Nantong, on November 6, the Information Office of the Nantong Municipal Government of Jiangsu Province held a press conference to interpret the "Several Measures to Optimize the Development of the Real Estate Industry in the Central City" jointly issued by the four departments of the city's housing and construction, human resources and social security, capital planning, and administrative approval. The "Measures" have a total of six articles, mainly related to land supply, planning indicators, helping enterprises to bail out, and reducing the pressure of housing purchases.

Among them, in terms of increasing the support for talents to buy houses, the "Measures" stated that they will accelerate the multi-channel and multi-mode supply of talent housing, implement subsidies for all kinds of talents, and support enterprises and institutions to purchase commercial housing in a centralized group to solve the housing problem of employees.

From January 1, 2021, enterprises in Nantong urban area (Chongchuan, Tongzhou, Haimen, Development Zone, Suxitong, Tongzhou Bay) (excluding central and provincial enterprises such as finance, power supply, tobacco) and newly introduced full-time highly-educated, professional and skilled talents from outside the Nantong administrative area can enjoy living allowance and housing purchase subsidies according to regulations.

As far as the housing purchase subsidy is concerned, those who have a doctoral degree or a senior professional title can enjoy a one-time housing purchase subsidy of 300,000 yuan for self-occupation, and those who have a master's degree or deputy senior professional title and senior technician professional qualification (skill level) can enjoy a one-time housing purchase subsidy of 150,000 yuan.

Qualified high-level innovative talents of urban enterprises log in to the online service hall of Jiangsu Human Resources and Social Security to apply online, and the application window is open throughout the year.

In terms of reasonably determining the scale of residential land supply, the "Measures" require further optimizing the layout and structure of residential land supply, increasing the proportion of improved housing supply, carefully selecting high-quality land plots, making overall arrangements for the total supply, and reasonably grasping the pace of supply. Promote urban renewal and demolition and resettlement projects in an orderly manner, and scientifically determine the scale of land supply for affordable price-limited housing.

  Nantong will continue to optimize the residential land supply policy, reasonably determine the price of residential land transfer, and cancel the price limit requirement for single commercial residential land. For key plots with special requirements, explore the implementation of the method of listing with a plan or investment and development supervision agreement. Support development enterprises to use demand bank guarantees as a performance guarantee to participate in land bidding. The time for refunding the bidding deposit is shortened, and the refund procedures can be handled on the day after the listing event is over. Preferential reduction and exemption of service fees for business land transactions.

The "Measures" clearly relax the control indicators of residential land, bail out real estate enterprises, further optimize the planning plan, revitalize the stock of land, and improve the quality of housing. The undeveloped part of the residential land that has been supplied meets the requirements of the regulatory detailed planning and does not exceed the plot ratio requirements in the planning conditions in principle, the building level, building density and other indicators can be adjusted according to the procedures, and the construction of residential products with three floors or more is not allowed to be detached.

After the implementation of the new policy, the requirements for building levels and building density will be relaxed for the undeveloped part of the supplied residential land, and the developer can adjust the product positioning according to market needs to effectively resolve the inventory. For example, if a residential plot requires a building height of less than 60 meters and a residential building level of 9-17 floors, according to the new policy, the undeveloped part of the plot can be optimized to design the design scheme, and a residential building with three floors or more and a height of no more than 60 meters can be arranged, which can further enrich the product type and improve the quality of the community and the living experience of the owners.

In terms of supporting the verification of the phased completion plan and land verification , Nantong is allowed to go through the completion planning verification and land verification procedures in phases if the supporting facilities within the scope of the phased construction land meet the residential function requirements of the residential buildings delivered in the same period. At the same time, Nantong will support the project to speed up sales, actively explore new regulatory models, and support development enterprises to provide customized and differentiated decoration products according to the wishes of buyers, so as to better meet the personalized decoration needs of buyers. Under the regional balance, for development projects with a long de-industrialization period and relatively partial location, the assembly rate and green building requirements can be appropriately reduced, the proportion of finished houses of commercial housing can be adjusted, and rough sales can be allowed.

After the implementation of the new policy, it will help alleviate the financial pressure of real estate development enterprises, which is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, in accordance with the "Nantong Urban Land Transaction Market Bidding Deposit Use Bank Cash Guarantee Management Measures (Trial)" launched by Nantong City, real estate development enterprises to participate in land bidding, the deposit required to be paid can be replaced by bank cash guarantee, and the guarantee amount of the commercial land guarantee can be up to 50% of the full land bidding deposit. The second is to shorten the time for returning the bidding deposit, and the relevant refund procedures can be handled on the day of the end of the land listing activity. Third, the preferential reduction and exemption policy is implemented for the transaction service fee of operating land, which is reduced from 1.4 yuan/square meter to 1 yuan/square meter, down by nearly 30%, and can be charged according to the standard of 80% for small, medium and micro enterprises, that is, 0.8 yuan/square meter。

  The Housing Fair issued 20 million yuan of housing consumption vouchers

The Information Office of the Nantong Municipal Government said that at present, China's real estate industry is in a stage of profound change and new transformation. In order to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market, Nantong is also adjusting and optimizing real estate policies in a timely manner to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. At present, the main body of housing buyers in Nantong City is the improvement of residents, and this part of the group has higher requirements for housing quality, especially in decoration. In order to avoid the waste of resources and environmental impact caused by the secondary demolition and decoration in the later stage, it is proposed to actively explore new regulatory models in this policy, and support development enterprises to provide customized and differentiated decoration products according to the wishes of buyers, so as to better meet the personalized decoration needs of buyers. Of course, to do a good job in this work, there are higher requirements for the management level and supervision ability of real estate enterprises. At present, the project in the urban area is being piloted to form a set of replicable standardized processes. At the same time, it is also proposed that for development projects with a long de-industrialization period and a relatively partial location, the assembly rate and green building requirements can be appropriately reduced, and the blank sales can be allowed, so as to better help enterprises to sell de-industrialized.

In addition, from November 10 to 12, Nantong will also take advantage of the "Double 11".This emerging consumer festival will hold the 57th Real Estate Fair to further unleash the consumption potential and meet the housing needs of residents. The real estate fair through the construction and provision of the display and trading platform, the collection of Chongchuan District, Development Zone, Suxitong Park, Nantong Innovation Zone in the sale of projects and new projects to be put into the market, covering just demand, just reform, improvement and other types, convenient for potential home buyers to compare prices, comparison, at the same time, the exhibition site is equipped with financial institutions, brokerage institutions, policy consulting desks, for the residents of the group "sell the old for the new", loan evaluation, Enjoy the "one-stop" service of policy evaluation.

The biggest highlight of this housing fair is that the policy is better and stronger, and through policy support, it will maximize the benefits of home buyers and reduce the cost of funds for residents to buy houses. In particular, the government has taken out a special subsidy of 20 million yuan this time, and issued 50,000 yuan of housing consumption vouchers to the first 400 new citizens who purchase their first house, sign a contract at the housing fair and pay a deposit. Everyone is welcome to visit the real estate fair site and consult the policy in detail.




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